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The computer is an automatic electronic device. Created to solve problems Both in simple and complex ways using mathematical methods Which follows the program procedures set for computer operation
Computer” is considered as one of the work equipment that every organization needs to invest in, but often faces problems that how to choose a good value especially in this economical time? This article would like to tell you how to choose an office computer with high specs and an affordable price in 2021! 
Thin Client is a computer network that is connected to a central server to operate, control and process. So that people in the organization can work separately on each screen through the same host at the same time even at a distance for the most useful of the using device.          In every organization requires investment in equipment that used for work. Especially those electronic tools such as computers but sometimes choosing a normal computer may not be the answer due to high investment not as secure as it should be; it takes a lot of time for maintenance, checks, and much more. Therefore, we would like to offer a new choice to “Thin Client” for the best worth.
Router A router is a device that connects to a network. If the interpretation of the word Route is the road, so connecting a computer with a router allows us to connect more than one computer at the same time. The router will have software used to control the operation called Internetwork Operating System. (IOS) and the router will have a port used to connect the cable called Port LAN, which generally has 4 Ports or more in 1 Router
A virus is a program that has the ability to copy itself into a computer system, and if possible, can infiltrate other computer systems, which may be caused by using an infected disk from one device. Another machine Or maybe through a network or a data communication system, the virus may also spread.

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