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Computer system operation

Computer system operation

Computer system operation

The computer is an automatic electronic device. Created to solve problems both in simple and complex ways using mathematical methods which follows the program procedures set for computer operation


Computer system workflow


4 basic work steps as follows


Step 1: Accepting data (input) is the import of data or commands into the computer. Through data receiving devices such as typing text messages into the computer using the keyboard sound recording via microphone etc.


Step 2 Data processing (Process) is to bring the data to be processed according to a set of instructions or program to get the result or information such as bringing the received data into the sum compare, calculate GPA, etc. The main processing equipment is the central processing unit.


Step 3 Storage is temporary storage while RAM is being processed.RAM Including storing processed data on storage devices such as hard disks, flash drives, etc.


Step 4 Display data (output) is the result of the processing results to display the results in a human form, which is in the form of text, letters, numbers, symbols, sounds through various display devices such as monitors, printers. etc.


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